Although I believe Philippine mangoes are the best in the world ( believe me), I have to be honest and say that I have not tasted anywhere near all of the varieties of mangoes on the planet..I have eaten mangoes from India, Thailand, and of course our country, Malaysia. But, these Taiwan is tremendously awesome and it is something new to me. The first thing you notice about it- it is freaking huge, seriously very-very huge..and kinda expensive have a clear smooth skin with abundant and soft, fine textured flesh. The aroma is heavenly..agaknya la..with an equally divine taste! Anyway, this mango cannot beat our Harum Manis aroma (Perlis world famous mango). My dad bought this mango (see..only mango, not mangoes..haha) at Jusco MidValley..mahal tau.. RM1.09/100 gram..and for the one that my dad bought,harganya RM21.10 sebiji! ..that is so wtf!..haha..tapi sedap la..mangga Malaysia sangat manis, tetapi ianya terlalu banyak serat..
So, mango taiwan ni..memang besar, lebih besar daripada air kotak satu liter bersaiz standard, dan bagi siapa yang selalu minum jus Berri 2.4 liter, anda akan tahu betapa besarnya mangga ini kerana saiznya hampir menyamai saiz botol jus Berri 2.4 liter..
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