benci? dibenci?

Kenapa anda dibenci? adakah kerana anda cantik? anda buruk? anda minoriti? anda tua? anda miskin? anda gemuk? anda sombong? anda tiada kawan? anda pandai?..oh..this list goes on and on and on, and is endless as well...

The simple truth is people don't hate you, it is you who hates yourself. Konsepnya mudah sahaja..think about the saying goes you get back what you give or you reap what you sow. Logik la kan..bagaimana seseorang yang ceria, sihat, baik hati boleh dibenci orang? Tidak mungkin kan? Jadi..persoalan kenapa orang membenci kita tidak timbul, tetapi kita sepatutnya mempersoalkan, kenapa kita membuat orang benci kepada kita dan mengapa kita membenci diri kita?

The answer to this question doesn't require that you lie upon a couch and give a minute by minute dissertation on your life story..muhasabah diri sendiri bukanlah sesuatu yang susah..from this point onward you and only you are responsible for your life and how you feel about it. It does require that you do some inside work on yourself, on your mental attitude. How you see yourself is a direct reflection on who and what will show up in your life.

We cannot control others, but we can control ourselves..maybe selepas muhasabah diri, kita dapat tahu kelemahan kita..

p/s - saya tahu kelemahan saya...maafkan saya di atas kelemahan saya...


Mimy Marizd said...

.btol 2.
.sy ske la entry ni. =]

benci kau said...

sesiape pun tau ckp maaf. perlulah ade action. ckp aje pandai.

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