hish...har har memang makin siot..tengahari tadi kawan2 aku ngan aku nak gi sembahyang jumaat..ajak la har har ni..tapi yang tak best nya (dia memang dah selalu x best, harini kaw kaw x best) bila kitorang cakap berdosa x gi sembahyang...selambe je dia perlekehkan pasal dosa...ha..Faris kata dia free thinker kot..ntah la..logik gak..haha..anyway...aku skarg guna comp aiman..dia tngh main game lucah kat belakang aku skarg ni..ketara gila tadi aku perasan..handbrake dia naik tinggi dah..terpacak mengalahkan orang guna handbrake nak buat drift...haih har har...

hey..guess what? Victoria Institution diabadikan dalam setem...sangat bangga...yela, skolah lain xde..yang ada cbn ngan skolah dari sarawak...
wahahahahaha....exam is over guys...finally I can relax and lay back a little bit...and best of all, holiday is around the corner..bout one week left..cant wait to go back home..haha

in memories..Mary-Kate (January-February 2009)
Today(Friday 20/2/09), this little kitten had unexpectedly died with unknown cause..probably the cause of death is internal bleeding in the head..
This is very hard to understand, as she was still quite young..but this is life..
i will always love this little girl..
*photo credit to Melvin
"the world doesn't want to know about you, but you have to know about the world"
guys..this one might be the new proton exora..basically, it has the Nissan Grand Livina look..is it nice?

"Let us now with thankfulness
Praise the founders of our School
Let us now with thankfulness
Praise the founders of our School
For their foresight and devotion,
Some who came across the ocean,
Some Malaya's own sons,
All true Victorians.
Let us next remember here
All who passed through this our School
Let us next remember here
All who passed through this our School
Not one race but one in feeling
For a school to each appealing
That instruction be not all
Nor this School just roof and wall.
Let us lastly pledge ourselves
Ever to uphold our school
Let us lastly pledge ourselves
Ever to uphold our school
In our work and in our leisure,
With such zeal and in such measure
That the new Victorians
Match with old Victorians"
Praise the founders of our School
Let us now with thankfulness
Praise the founders of our School
For their foresight and devotion,
Some who came across the ocean,
Some Malaya's own sons,
All true Victorians.
Let us next remember here
All who passed through this our School
Let us next remember here
All who passed through this our School
Not one race but one in feeling
For a school to each appealing
That instruction be not all
Nor this School just roof and wall.
Let us lastly pledge ourselves
Ever to uphold our school
Let us lastly pledge ourselves
Ever to uphold our school
In our work and in our leisure,
With such zeal and in such measure
That the new Victorians
Match with old Victorians"

"hey..while you guys celebrating the Valentine's day, guess what...there is another big event in KL..Victoria Institution is now our national heritage site..and i, as the ex-victorian, want you all to know how proud i am..i love VI so much..you never know how special this school is..i will always love this school...116 years..and the blues never fade away..victoria institution, one of the premier school in Malaysia..will always be the best..because we all have one spirit, that is to be yet wiser..and the immortal spirit of Victoria will always be with us.."
well..as a student, all student will have one thing in common-stress..well..just can't help it..it is part of our daily life as a student..well..it is so simple to manage our stress..well i have my own way, and surely you guys have your own way..do what is best for you, and not others..chill down..relax..because every problem has its own solution.
This guy dont even have time to sleep...and end up sleeping in a class..I tell u what..every night, he never sleep, because he is sooooo busy doing some research on the internet..and im telling ya all...haha..sexmaniacology i guess..haha
holla..gosh, life as a medic student surely is tough..you got to be in the game, to be in the game..you know what i mean..haha..yeah..they said to be a medical student, there is no life at all..well, it is true indeed..all you can do, is to study, study and study until you die..in order to save people's life..how ironic it is..but some student manage to escape the norm of medical student..how on earth they did that? well, i can't really answer this..anyway guys, hope for the best, but prepare for the worst..=)
it is so sad on what is happening in Perak recently...why..why must it be that way?..why the adults always show bad example to the young generation..why the politics is so damn dirty? must it be that way..or there is just no choice at all?..
Anda ingat lagi gambar ini? ya..ingat lagi siapa yang buat ni?..ya..penderhaka kepada sultan.."natang" dalam loghat Terengganu bermaksud binatang..tapi kepada siapa "natang" ini ditujukan? tak lain dan tak bukan, perkataan ini dilemparkan oleh penyokong-penyokong UMNO kepada Yang Dipertuan Agong bagi membantah tindakan baginda yang melantik Ahmad Said sebagai menteri besar Terengganu...pelik la UMNO..bila kau orang buat macam ni, kau tak kira menderhaka ke? siap PM nak pecat Ahmad Said tu dari UMNO kerana membelakangkan parti dan menurut titah YDP Agong..pelik la kau orang..bukan kau orang ke yang menghapuskan kuasa Sultan-Sultan melayu dan menghadkan kuasa Sultan terhadap agama sahaja?
Kejatuhan kerajaan pakatan rakyat agak mengejutkan..dan seperti yang dijangkakan, BN mengambil peluang yang sudah terhidang di depan mata mereka..tapi persoalan yang timbul, 3 orang ahli pakatan yang rakyat yang lompat parti..tidak pula timbul persoalan ini sepertimana yang berlaku kepada ADUN Bota yang keluar dari umno beberapa hari yang lepas..isu lompat parti menjadi hangat hingga timbul isu untuk mewujudkan akta bagi menghalang kes lompat parti berulang..biasa la..kalau orang lain yang buat..kita pasti akan melenting naik marah..tapi bila berlaku kepada diri sendiri, kita buat tak endah sahaja..ironiknya peralihan kuasa di Perak memang disebabkan ahli pakatan rakyat berpaling tadah dan bertukar parti..apakah akta yang menghalang perbuatan melompat parti akan diteruskan? kita lihat sahaja..
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